Monday, September 30, 2019

The Age of Empire: American Imperialism at the Close of the 19th Century

Imperialism is a process by which countries attempt to extend their power into new spheres by leveraging their military, economic, cultural, and political power over another land. The roots of imperialism have differed through the ages. Some countries have sought imperialism by conquest, pillaging and plundering another land for pure exploitative economic gain. Other countries have conducted imperialism by colonization, slowly infiltrating and eventually assuming control of another land over time by force.For much of European history after the renaissance, the European continent entered an â€Å"Age of Imperialism† that saw British, French, Spanish, Portugese, Dutch, and German expansion across the far reaches of the globe. America, however, was a late addition to the scramble for imperialist expansion. Not until the late 19th century did the fledgling North American power attempt to move beyond its borders in pursuit of bolstering the national interest.Over the course of seve ral decades, however, America removed the shackles of isolationism and became an aggressive expansionist power primarily in Latin America and the Philippines. While this policy was not uniformly popular, it is important to understand because it drastically influenced and shaped American foreign policy for the 20th century. During the late 1800’s, America engaged in overseas expansion in three main areas: Spanish-America, the Philippines, and several Pacific islands. These campaigns were ideologically motivated by the philosophical underpinnings of the Monroe Doctrine.This foreign policy standard, developed by President James Monroe in 1823, stated that the Western Hemisphere was distinctly the domain of the United States and that American â€Å"exceptionalism† would allow the United States to exclusively deal with affairs of the Western Hemisphere (Oklahoma College of Law, The Monroe Doctrine). This principle was the foundation of a series of events that eventually pro mpted the United States to invade foreign sovereign nations. Racist thought also perpetuated public support for these imperialist invasions.The so-called White Man’s Burden, which had justified so much inhumanity by European powers was also raised by proponents of American expansionism. This theory held that because White men were â€Å"civilized† in contrast to their colored counterparts, it was the ethical duty of Europeans and European descendants to forcibly civilize the â€Å"uneducated† and â€Å"inferior† races of the world. Coupled with the Monroe Doctrine, politicians combined with sensational journalists (often referred to as â€Å"yellow journalists†) to drum up support for American excursions abroad (American Library of Congress).The first major front in the eventual military expansionism that ensued was in Cuba and other parts of Spanish America. This campaign, known as the Spanish-American War, was Cuba. Here, Americans sympathetic to the plight of the Cubans, legitimized a show of force with the U. S. S. Maine, which was eventually sunk near Havana, prompting an outcry for war. The war in Cuba raged on in the aftermath of that incident, with Congress issuing a declaration of war. Unlike Cuba, which was more of a conflict between two â€Å"White† powers, American imperialism in the Philippines developed into a far more systematic form of colonialism.American became an occupying power that asserted its dominance and applied its customs and language on the native population. Indeed, during the course of the war, American brutality was substantial, with an estimated 200,000 Filipinos dying from the conflict, largely in the festering disease-ridden concentration camps. Additionally, many Americans were reported to have carried out war crimes against the local population—shameful acts that were exposed and documented by the Lodge Committee report (Miller, 184).Similarly, America extended its reachâ€⠀with many negative results—in Guam, Samoa, Hawaii, and other Pacific islands. These particular conquests mark the height of American imperialist expansion at the close of the 19th century. Even though the Monroe Doctrine and the White Man’s Burden theories garnered sufficient support from the public to carry out the imperialist campaigns popularly, dissent against the newfound expansionism did exist. The major opponent of imperialist policies in America was the Anti-Imperialist League.This organization, which prided itself on its founding ideals of liberty and equality for all persons, regardless of race or geographic location, sought to end American imperialist expansionism. As they argued, America’s militarism against the defenseless indigenous populations was nothing more than â€Å"criminal aggression† (Modern History Sourcebook). The League had a substantial impact on the national debate over imperialism, as it had cultural superstars like Mark Twa in on its side.Nonetheless, however, even as the League successfully highlighted some of the bankrupt practices of American expansionism, the campaigns were nonetheless carried out. The impact of American imperialism during the late 1890s reverberates still today. The Monroe Doctrine has now been replaced by a series of new foreign policy strategies, including the most recent addition of the Bush doctrine, which authorizes preemptive attacks anywhere in the world to ensure American security. Our occupation of Iraq currently has its roots and its legacy embedded in the deployment of troops under President McKinley.This fact highlights why early American imperialism is so important to understanding our current foreign policy; it is a continuum rather than a series of isolated events. And now, just like then, anti-imperialist groups are being heard throughout the country. Only time will tell how effectively they will be at steering our government from continuing the imperialist legacy started at the close of the 19th century. Works Cited: Miller, Stuart C. â€Å"Benevolent Assimilation†: the American Conquest of the Philippines, 1899- 1903. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1982.340 p Modern History Sourcebook. â€Å"American Anti-Imperialist League, 1898. † Available online from: http://www. fordham. edu/halsall/mod/1899antiimp. html. Accessed 17 January 2009. â€Å"The Monroe Doctrine. † University of Oklahoma College of Law. Historical Documents. Available online at: http://www. law. ou. edu/ushistory/monrodoc. shtml. Accessed 17 January 2009. â€Å"The World of 1898: The Spanish American War. † The Library of Congress, Hispanic Division. Available online from: http://www. loc. gov/rr/hispanic/1898. Accessed 18 January 2009.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Life and Music

Music is as diverse as the people listening to its many different genres. My wife and I are just two of the millions of people around the world who listen to music almost everyday. However, my wife and I have a lot of differences when it comes to music although I can say that we share the same passion for it ever since when we were still at a young age. For my part, learning music was at first an academic task because it was part of a class that I had to take during my earlier days in school. There was simply no chance for me to enjoy music as people should.When I was ten years old, I bought my first AM transistor from my classmate. It was the first time in my life when I got the chance to enjoy the music of the Beatles and other bands playing country music at the time. That moment in my life opened the windows of my imagination inasmuch as it sparked a great deal of musical interest on my part. From then on, I simply just could not have enough of music and I was stuck with the pleas ure of listening to tunes over the radio. My wife has a strong cultural influence coming from the Philippines because she, too, is a Filipino.I recall my wife telling me that she always watched â€Å"An Evening with Pilita Corales† together with her parents when she was still young. Pilita Corales is considered as the Queen of â€Å"Kundiman†Ã¢â‚¬â€traditional love songs written and sung in Filipino language—in the Philippines. If my wife was fond of watching that show way back then, I was fond of watching â€Å"Lawrence Welk† on the television together with my father and mother. Apparently, our differences in our earliest exposures to music hold one reason why my wife and I still have differences today in terms of music.It is interesting to know that despite the fact that my wife lived in a country that is perhaps one of the most culturally rich countries in the world, she enjoyed spending time in the playground than doing folk dances which often involv ed materials that were indigenously available. Those dances, as she recounted, were always played to the rhythm of local music which, at that time in her life, never seemed important to her. She was too young in fact that she found it more fun to play in the school’s playground than to spend some of her idle time listening to local music and performing local dances.I had the same experience when I was still as young as my wife during her childhood days. The only difference, perhaps, was that I was doubly busy or I had a tougher time at school for I did not only have to learn English but I also had to study music as part of the school curriculum. I had to catch up with my school work and so I barely had the time to realize the pleasure of listening to music and enjoying what it had to offer beyond sensory experience. Today, things have changed a lot—and for the better. Fortunately, my wife and I soon learned and appreciated music in our lives.In fact, my wife and I bega n to watch musical plays like â€Å"Annie†, â€Å"The Lion King†, â€Å"Blue Man Group†, â€Å"Tarzan†, â€Å"Mama Mia† and â€Å"Miss Saigon† soon after we got married. Perhaps it was the moment in our lives when we realized that we shared one thing in common after all—the love for music. Each time we are able to watch a musical play, we always love the live performance due to the outpouring emotions that one can feel before a stage of actors and actresses giving justice to a number of different melodies and rhythms that can not be easily heard beyond every performance night.Max Weber understood music as â€Å"a deeply meaningful part of a society’s culture† (Turley, 2001, p. 635), which is perhaps why sooner or later people will begin to realize the importance or the role of music in their lives, regardless of whether or not the music they are listening to is indigenous or foreign. That being the case, it is easy to se e why people can relate music; music touches our inner soul and reaches for the depths of our being that we oftentimes find difficult to express, let alone reach.For me, music helps us remember a lot of things simply because music holds memories. As I see it, music expresses feelings even if there are no words to it and it also raises our level of thinking about freedom. Howard Gardner even categorized our abilities to appreciate and even produce music as part of multiple human intelligences (Pfeifer & Scheier, 1999), which makes sense to say that it is crucial for human beings to have an ear for music. Doing so can broaden our mental horizons and enable us to appreciate life even more.While my wife enjoys listening to the music of the Monkees, Carpenters, Beatles and Michael Jackson as much as I do, I still try to go beyond the sheer pleasure of listening to their music. I teach art and I try to incorporate music into my profession. As much as possible, I try to play music whenever I have my art class so that my students will be able to express their feelings more whenever they hold their brushes and begin painting images with beautiful colors. The way I see it, music is so strong it can evoke our inner feelings and give us the inspiration to make stunning artworks.Because music can stir our emotions and our memories, music can push art students and artists to greater lengths. In general, music helps people unlock the rarely touched parts of their being (Grant, 2003, p. 173). I cannot imagine my life and my wife’s life without music as it has already been an integral part of who we are. Music helps my wife and I remember a lot of things about our past and our culture. It also helps us appreciate our lives and our marriage better each day without having the need to force ourselves to listen to music.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

A Historical Recording of a Fictitious Story Essay

One powerful factor in effective storytelling lies in the strong characterization of the figures in the story, and the novel, â€Å"Don Quixote† sustains this factor. In the beginning of the novel, Miguel de Cervantes warns his â€Å"idle readers† (Cervantes, page __) that he simply wants to relate the story of a stepson who lived a ridiculous but great life, saying thus: â€Å"My wish would be simply to present it to thee plain and unadorned, without any embellishment of preface or uncountable muster of customary sonnets, epigrams, and eulogies, such as are commonly put at the beginning of books. † (Cervantes, page__). The second part of the novel reveals a similar contention, this time uttered by Cide Hamete Benengeli in Chapter LXXIV. The reputed father of Don Quixote de La Mancha, Benengeli says, â€Å"For me alone Don Quixote was born and I for him. His was the power of action, mine of writing. † (Cervantes, page ___). By repeating these contentions, Miguel de Cervantes emphasizes and reiterates the idea that Don Quixote is a real character, a man who is not merely a product of a novelist’s imagination, but a tangible entity. Cervantes and his phantom figure, Benengeli, claim that they are merely recorders of Don Quixote’s deeds and misdeeds. Cervantes declares thus in his preface: â€Å"In belief of the good reception and honours that Your Excellency bestows on all sort of books, as prince so inclined to favor good arts, chiefly those who by their nobleness do not Customer’s last name 2 submit to the service and bribery of the vulgar, I have determined bringing to light The Ingenious Gentleman Don Quixote of la Mancha. † (Cervantes, page__). Cervantes distances himself from the character by saying that he is merely a recorder of a person’s history, not a creator of a person so intriguingly chivalrous and comical at the same time. In doing so, Cervantes strengthens the character of Don Quixote, making him a mystery, and an enigma. Was he real, or was he imaginary? This intriguing question has kept readers all over the world and across generations to keep turning the pages of this humorous novel, and in this respect, Cervantes achieves his triumph in making the adventures of a tragic and comic knight-errant, a very engaging read. The two mentioned passages delineating one contention are significant in the reading of the novel as a whole. Promoting Don Quixote as a tangible entity, a real character, makes the novel more humorous, more effective, and more influential; the themes and sentiments imbibed in the story are therefore communicated more strongly. Cervantes provides a critical commentary on the Spanish lifestyle and morals at the time the novel was written, and one way to take a humorous novel seriously, is to project it as a palpable, realistic account of one person’s adventures and misadventures. This in itself is an ingenious literary style. Making Don Quixote an enigma and claiming that he is real, reflects the ridiculous and preposterous nature of the novel. Cervantes is ultimately making a literary statement: that in a world and in a time when chivalric ideals are appropriate, yet overrated, a society that is suspended between the grandiose aspects of chivalry and the humility of noble chivalric ideals must examine its principles very closely. If it fails to do, it may likewise fight windmills instead of giants, and therein lays a societal problem too unbelievably difficult to overcome. Works Cited Cervantes, M. Don Quixote. (Publication Information).

Friday, September 27, 2019

How did major discoveries in physics change the course of chemistry Term Paper

How did major discoveries in physics change the course of chemistry and interpretations of the discoveries - Term Paper Example This led to more complex applications that have improved humanity’s standards of living besides drawing a clear distinction between man and other animals, which the latter do not possess such kind of heightened intellectual capacity. Some of the early major physics discoveries or developments that have greatly impacted humanity’s life comprise those of Isaac Newton and Faraday whose respective theories’ contributions are still evident today (Heidarzadeh, 2008). This is especially in the current world where some technological inventions trace their roots from laws these scholars brought forward, though due to certain sophistications unveiled by incumbent scientists appear as if they are completely new. Theme/Thesis: Therefore, this paper will critically highlight diverse major scientific historical discoveries with much emphasis on electromagnetism and thermodynamics unveiled by early inventors and controversies that characterize them even though their respective contributions led to major breakthroughs evident today (Heidarzadeh, 2008). ... They have either cold and hot or wet and dry characteristics (Woody, 2008). Based on this expounding, Aristotle without doubt assumed all other things irrespective of their minor compositions each represent a unique homogenous substance though later he came up with a fifth category calling it â€Å"aether† (matter that occupies universe). Based on the aether hypothesis, this category comprised of â€Å"incorruptible† things whose existence is eternal besides being devoid of clear sign of aging (Heidarzadeh, 2008). This based on Aristotle is untrue because he contended the four matters are basic compounds of an individual except the fifth category (Woody, 2008). The four elements during creation were in proportion with each person’s magnitude though there is no evidence of unit quantities meant for given sizes of human beings. The most intriguing aspect concerning his theory was how he contended the four elements were unique or pure but did not exist anywhere secl uded or being on their own except in combined form (Woody, 2008). After the invention of this theory for approximately 2000 years, it found numerous applications in both philosophy and other scientific related fields like physics as well as chemistry (Woody, 2008). Earth despite the scholar citing is a unique element comprises of numerous aspects including rocks and minerals similar to H2O, which based on the current scientific knowledge has elements of Hydrogen and water (Heidarzadeh, 2008). This is completely confusing because based on the current chemistry; it states an element is any substance having a homogenous material whose alterations is only by subjecting it to a chemical process or physical disturbance. This is either to gain or lose certain amount of material

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Design Process Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Design Process - Case Study Example Interactive systems design is essential in creating software interfaces. The aim is to illustrate how the prototypes can help designers generate and demonstrate what they intend to deliver. Designers can get feedback from clients and users of the software before completing the development process. The prototypes enable developers choose among the best alternatives in order create the best solution (Langer, 2008). This is usually accompanied with reason in the documentation of why the designer chose the alternative. A prototype is just a representation or a model of an interactive system. The software may not be presented in its full detail, but the interface must be fully presented. The interface may only handle a small code or algorithm in the system, but it is essential in interactive systems. Prototypes usually require several design phases that would take the user through scale of the interactive system. It is essential for software prototypes to develop into final software produ cts because it carries the user’s expectation. When a user is pleased with a representation of the software prototype, it is logical to deliver to the expectation of the user. The process of creativity in software design is intuitive and oriented on new discoveries. Generating new ideas is more essential than evaluating existing ideas to ensure that everything is in order. Creating an interface is a process that involves the inclusion of Human-Computer Interaction. Human Computer Interaction is a multidisciplinary subject that combines scientific elements with design (Dix, 2004). Interface design is a creative process but requires software engineering skills to evolve into operational software. Scientific methods are also used to study the effectiveness of the interfaces and software. Different design processes requires different prototype applications prototypes are either part of the design or just design objects. Prototypes that are viewed as design objects have benefits t hat include support of creativity and helping developer to generate ideas. The prototypes can also help a designer explore the design working space and discover some issues about the user. The prototype also encourages communication between the user and developer during the design process. This is likely to reduce the amount of errors that are usually generated during the development process. There are four dimensions that can be used to define prototypes and their application. The first dimension is the representation technique, which describes the form of prototype used. They include computer simulations and paper sketches. The next dimension is the precision that involves a level of detail where the prototype is evaluated. The evaluation criteria used is whether the prototype is highly polished or rough. The interactivity dimension describes the extent in which the user can interact with the prototype. This is best achieved when the prototype is fully interactive (Pilone & Miles, 2008). The evolution is the final dimension, which describes the expected life cycle of the prototype. Some of the expected lifecycles include iterative and throw away life cycles. This project design requires the use of representational prototype because it involves the use of computer simulations. This is because the project takes the form of a computer program. A number of sketches on paper are considered a prototype, but a computer simulation is the most appropriate prototype in this case. An online prototype is

Classwork Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Classwork - Coursework Example In most cases, the security guards are the prime targets of murder since the killers would be bent on stealing from the premises manned by the guards. The degree of poverty is very high especially in urban areas comprising of people belonging to low income brackets. Many people in different parts of South Africa often find it difficult to make ends meet against pressing economic constraints and they often resort to violent crimes that often result in death of the victims. Such types of crimes can be attributed to the social strain theory that suggests that people commit crime after they fail to achieve certain goals due to economic constraints. In South Africa, many people live in poverty and they experience different types of hardships which lead them to commit different types of crime to earn a living. Murder is a punishable offence and it should never be condoned under any circumstance. Though death penalty is prohibited by the South African law, the culprit in this case should get a harsh sentence in order to deter the would-be offenders from committing the same crime in future. This will help eradicate violent crime in this country. In this case, the culprit deserves a long custodial sentence, even life imprisonment because he is a danger to the society. The murderer deserved to rot in prison since there is no person with a right to kill another person. This will also help people to value other individuals’ lives such that they will not be tempted to commit heinous crimes like murder. To a larger extent, it can be observed that mental health plays a part in criminal behavior. Geldard (1963) posits to the effect that people who have mental health problems are likely to commit violent crimes as a result of their mental instability. In some cases, these people are infuriated by small things and they can react violently which can lead to the

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

The Republican Party Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

The Republican Party - Research Paper Example The party dominated in almost every Northern state (Root & Hay 23). In the elections of 1860, the Republican Party emerged victoriously and dominated the course of politics until 1932, when the leader of the party was not capable of reversing the Great Depression. Republicans won the elections back from the Democrats in the 1960’s. From 1968-2004, the Republican Party emerged victorious in seven out of ten presidential elections. The Republicans supported the Civil Rights Act of 1866, which provided that; all individuals in the U.S. should be treated as citizens without creating discrimination on the basis of color, race or any condition existing before. The Old Republican Party Since its formation, in 1854, the Republican Party has supported and opposed various issues affecting the citizens and the economy of the United States. Traditionally, the party emerged to support issues such as laissez-faire capitalism, conservative social policies, and low tax policies. It was under the old Republican Party that the Civil Right Act of 1866 was passed. During the formation of the Republican Party in 1854, the chief agenda was to abolish the extension of slavery, which had increased during the time. The Republicans were against the Nebraska Act, which promoted slavery. ... The old Republicans supported the establishment and development of educational institutions; this is depicted by the support of the Land-Grant College Act, which led to the foundation of education centers throughout the country (Schwengel 90). This can also be seen with the establishment of Howard University, in 1867, by the Republicans. In addition, the old Republicans cared about the security of the citizens and established Buffalo soldiers. In addition, the Republicans opposed the legalization of the Ku Klux Klan, which was an outlawed group. The Modern Republican Party The Modern Republican Party, just like the old Republican Party, has faced several issues, some of which it has opposed and supported. The signing of the New Deal faced the Republicans’ opposition. The Republicans likened the New Deal to the promotion of socialism by the Democrats (Johnson & Smith 76). Later, the Republican Party split into two portions; with one division opposing the New Deal from its start to the end, and the other division partly supporting the New and promising to operate it efficiently. Although the modern Republicans split into two classes, which brought in a class of moderate Republicans, the Republican Party has continued to offer support for the establishment and development of tertiary education centers. They also advocate for the improvement of infrastructure and promote human security. During the Civil Rights Act of 1964, segregation was outlawed through a court order and Democrats took the opportunity to bring in a less educated electorate, which supported segregation (Westwood 38). This favored the Democratic Party at the expense of the Republican Party. The moderate Republicans supported the move while the liberal did not.  Ã‚  

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Empowering Employees on Team Processes Research Paper

Empowering Employees on Team Processes - Research Paper Example However, the range of resolutions the employees can take part in is dependent on the organizational policies. Some of the areas employees may have a voice in include, the working conditions, vocational hours, company policies, the manner in which jobs are to be undertaken, peer reviews as well as how supervisors are appraised. To achieve employee empowerment, the management has to undertake capacity building and the development of the human resources under their control or payroll. In view of this, employees and teams ought to possess the self-belief and capacity to perform assignments and ought to have the opportunities to grow and shine. Performance and employees self-assurance is boosted when they gain additional skills in organizational as well as management issues, and when they obtain fresh skills and expertise. Employees’ empowerment is not a one-day undertaking and it is not straightforward.   Employee empowerment in an organization setting Human resource professiona ls believes that businesses can increase their productivity by empowering their employees. Other human resource scholars put forward that the majority of organizations take part in employees’ empowerment because of its potential to augment organizational innovations and value (Boudrias, Brunet, Morin, Savoie, Plunier, & Cacciatore, 2010). In an organizational setup employee involvement, entails the supervisors supporting immediate workforces in taking part in decisions concerning their vocational responsibilities, and offering them power over their working environment. This strategy is believed to increase workforce enthusiasm and in due course makes them increase their output. However, some researchers have downplayed this hypothesis by arguing that employees empowerment is influenced by many factors other than giving employees control over their work environment. Boudrias, Brunet, Morin, Savoie, Plunier, and Cacciatore, (2010) ascertain that the empowerment of the employee does not take place in an organizational void. This is because the supervisors may endeavor to boost the empowerment of their workforces through awarding the workforces decision-making tasks and offering them the chance to take part, but other organizational system aspects such as procedures governing decision-making, capacity building as well as the reward process may be contradicting to the power given to the employee. Hence, the probability of an empowerment effort by the supervisor to enhance the employees’ empowerment could be conditional to the existence of organizational sustaining features. Therefore, empirical research suggests that effectual empowerment of employees necessitates the creation of an organizational environment distinguished by acknowledgment, support, autonomy support and justice (Boudrias, Brunet, Morin, Savoie, Plunier, & Cacciatore, 2010).  Ã‚  

Monday, September 23, 2019

The project of creating Windows as the driving force for Microsoft Essay

The project of creating Windows as the driving force for Microsoft Corp - Essay Example allowed it to come into the market of software for personal computers and in a great extent to create this market. So project of creating Windows became the driving force for Microsoft Corp. The most efficient structure is when activity of the organization consists of project, and every project consists of operations; in this case some projects may be endless. Project managers define human, technical, financial and other resources they need for their projects; then all these needs are summarized and put to the organizational plan and budget. So needs of the projects determine organizational needs and priorities. Also it often happens that very important goals of organization (i.e. new market penetration, getting a state construction contract, getting a software development tender) depend on projects. Sometimes a successful project can save a company from a bankruptcy or irretrievably crush competitors. Project may not be an organizational driving force when it contradicts the organizational goals or is badly planned and doomed to failure. In this case the project draws human, time, technical, financial and other resources from the organization and gives nothing instead. For example, IBM spent a lot of time and effort on development of operating system OS/2, but the project was not successful. IBM is the greatest hardware vendor, but it failed with operating system development. The human factor is important because... The project manager must be able to exert interpersonal influence in order to lead the project team. By Hendrickson, the project manager often gains the support of his/her team through a combination of the following: Formal authority resulting from an official capacity which is empowered to issue orders. Reward and/or penalty power resulting from his/her capacity to dispense directly or indirectly valued organization rewards or penalties. Expert power when the project manager is perceived as possessing special knowledge or expertise for the job. Attractive power because the project manager has a personality or other characteristics to convince others. (Hendrickson, 1998, chap.2) So I will use these issues in my relations with the team. The members of the project team must work together, whether they are assembled from different divisions of the same organization or even from different organizations. Some problems of interaction may arise initially when the team members are unfamiliar with their own roles in the project team, particularly for a large and complex project. These problems must be resolved quickly in order to develop an effective, functioning team. Also I need to explore two important subjects: why the previous project manager was so popular and why the project is about to fail in spite of the great love of the team to him. Maybe his management style was too soft and democratic and work conditions were too hothouse. If so, I would say to the team, "Guys, it was very good, but now it's finished. Let's work together, and let's work hard, because it's the only way for our company to survive. I don't need your love, I need the work done." Also it may be good decision to rebuild

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Amusement Park - 1 Essay Example for Free

Amusement Park 1 Essay When one goes to an amusement park they usually set out to be thrilled by riding all of the newest attractions. At a park you’ll find many diverse people. But in reality, the people that go there can be grouped into three different categories. There is the individual that knows every minute fact about every roller coaster ever made. Then, there are small children that have to stay in kiddy land. Finally, there are the fanatic families that are there for just a day. These three categories are the roller coaster guru, the under sixty-two-inch club, and the non-stop ride until you drop family crew. The roller coaster guru knows every minute fact about every roller coaster ever built. He travels to theme parks all over the world just to be one of the first park goers that experiences a new roller coaster. It doesn’t matter how long the line to a coaster may be or how short the ride itself may be; the roller coaster guru will do anything for the rush of a coaster. Like some are addicted to drugs, he’s addicted to riding roller coasters. If you talk to him it will seem he only takes pleasure in roller coasters and nothing else. You might say he lives and breathes roller coasters. However, not all park goers can ride roller coasters, whether it is they get sick on them or just don’t care for them. The under sixty-two-inch club is unfortunately banned from all real rides, including roller coasters. This is due to their short stature. You will often find these little people in kiddy land watching longingly the â€Å"over sixty-two-inch club† being exhilarated by all of the actual rides. While most of the members are children, dwarfs and midgets also apply. The unfortunate parents of these children try to console and comfort them, but the children just don’t understand why they are stuck in a world of such un-thrilling rides, when they can hear the screams of excitement coming from just beyond the fence. One day their time will come and they too will be inducted into the non-stop ride until you drop family crew. The non-stop ride until you drop family crew goes to an amusement park for a one-day family getaway. The second they enter the park they put their pre-planned agenda into effect, running into all different directions. All day long they ride every ride they possibly can, no lunch or bathroom breaks allowed. They have one mission and it is to ride every ride in the entire park in just eight short hours. You should not try and befriend any of these ride-thirsty people for they will cut you in line and may become incredibly precarious. They must waste no time, because they want to be the first on and off every ride so they can complete their mission on time. Many different people can be found at amusement parks. Theme parks may seem like harmless places to the naked eye but with a magnifying glass everything is scarier than originally thought. These three categories of people are found at every park: the roller coaster guru, the under sixty-two-inch club, all the way to the non-stop ride until you drop family crews. Beware of the fanatic families that will stop at nothing to complete their task, the infuriated children being deprived of all the excitement, and the roller coaster experts who will stop at nothing to attest they are the best of their kind!

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Understanding The Human Resource Analytics Model Commerce Essay

Understanding The Human Resource Analytics Model Commerce Essay Human Resource is defined as the division of the organization that deals with recruitment which include the hiring and firing, setting the organizations salary scale and other related benefits, staff performance, staff training and general issues that concern the employees of the organisation. The main objective of human resource is to assist the organization to meet its intended purpose by motivating, and retaining employees and also being able to manage them effectively and efficiently That is to say that the Human Resource approach seeks to ensure a balance between the administration of an organizations workforce, and the entire deliberated administration of the company (Marcus1999). Analytics models referrers to the approach that the human resources apply to ensure that the organizations are getting the best results in all areas concerned. This essay will focus on the existing models of human resources and try to bring out the best-applied models for efficiency and profitability of any given organization. Analytics models helps in various ways, potentiality and organization measurement systems in the absence of analytics models can be compared to someone searching for an item where theres light, and not necessarily where the item is likely to be found. Improvement in information technology often provides technological competence that is far beyond the capacity of the decision science and procedures to utilize them appropriately (Jeffrey P. (2002). Therefore it is quite usual to find organizations that have focused substantial resources creating sophisticated study and technology presentation within the measures of effectiveness, or measures that largely originate from the accounting system. The irony is that real insights are most likely to be found in location where there arent regular accounting systems. The substantial development in HR contracting out, where efficiency is often the core value intention and IT technology is the main device, has worsened this subject matter. Yet with faulty measures meant for the correct point may be more shinning than very sophisticated measures forecasted in the wrong points. First of all a lot of commentators describe the behaviour of human resource specialists as sway from one problem to another. Trying to settle down disputes is one of the tasks involved, especially when conflicts are likely to explore. It is the duty of human resource gurus to take preventive measures, by initiating guidelines and training the staff on how to comply with those set guidelines, this is a good tool to use in managing crisis and risks. However a sincerely strategic duty for HR has shown elusive to most people (Marcus 1999). Being sincere, many HR experts earn their living by first looking down upon HR as not being limited on strategic contribution, and thus offering a solution, which can be used to bring out a concrete solution. Most of these solutions include scorecards or dashboards of tracking down and reporting the results of realizing the proposed policies. There are a number of theoretical models which go way beyond the recording model of measurement, to critically check the reason why the use of the particular measures. This method is known as HR analytics. In the recent years HR analytics has been on the forefront with the view of many publications introducing official models. Theoretical explanations and some study outcome have been stressed, and the procedural standards required in setting up the need of HRM programs and participation. A totally efficient HR ability, nonetheless, is able to deliver substantial approach towards the difference between human resource management implementation and programs involvement in the overall employees and organization performance. Among other outcomes, an effective HR will be able to give priority to human capital on the basis of the organizational value, which they produce; it should also provide essential input towards the financial and operational strategy (Brian and David 2001). This should also be able to recognize that the organization have the people potentiality in order to be able to meet the adjustment in business environment and structure. It should also be able to support large number of employees in revolution, where the traditional HR, training and growth roles are restructure and put in with the new business plans. According to the LAMP model, there are four major components, which are critical to strategic change. These components include: Logic, Analytics, Measures and Process (Cascio and Boudreau 2008). It is believed that lack of proper logic, and then it will not be possible to predict the future. The logic component of any measurement system gives the story behind and the relationship between the numbers and the effects and the results. A good examples take account the components of revenue costs, the elements which determine the value of better selection, and the connections that associate employee well-being and crucial business end products. Improper logic is always the reason behind the why most HR experts use proper measurement systems, but dont make sense at all to the involved parties. Where proper logic is in place then, it is quite easy to assist other managers outside the HR career to comprehend and utilize the measurement systems to improve their judgment (Casicio and Boudreau 2008). In the measuring the employee turnover, there has been much argument in relation to suitable guidelines to be used in calculating turnover and its costs, or the accuracy and the probability on how employee turnover should be calculated. The current turnover-reporting systems may be estimated as turnover rates for almost any employee group and business section. Equipped with such systems, heads of departments slice and dice the statistics in various ways, each supervisor following his or her own best theory regarding turnover and why it matters. In most cases, the theories are never good enough and thus measures may not help, thus, LAMP model does not support good measurement. The other element, which the LAMP model focuses on, is process. Whereas measurement have influence on decision making and performance, and those take place within a huge organization, knowledge of structure, and organizational social customs. Consequently, efficient measurement method must match with a change management procedure that replicates values of training and transfer of knowledge. Thus, human resource measures and the reason that supports it are part of change process. The first step in effective measurement is to make managers to understand that HR investigation is achievable and helpful. The way forward is not automatically to present a very complicated analysis. Rather the best method could be to present fairly straightforward measures and analyses that correspond with the psychological models, which might be already in use. Estimating turnover costs can show how millions of dollars can be conserved with decline on turnover (Cascio and Boudreau 2008). Other managers outs ide HR have said that a turnover-cost analysis was the initial step in realizing that skill and company decisions had substantial outcome on the profits and accounting procedures, which they can relate with. Apparently, measuring only the cost of turnover is not enough for proper decision-making. Managers may trim down the number of applicants who should be interviewed by raising the criteria for selection. The lower the standards, the bigger the number of applicants will apply and the lesser interviews will be carried out to fill a vacant position. Obviously, reducing the standards will bring issues that far overshadow the cost savings by conduction less interviews! However, the process element of the LAMP framework is a reminder that the best way to introduce a change process may be first to look at the turnover costs, to establish early awareness that the same method used for accounting, operational, and marketing investments can also be used in human resources. According to the Human Capital Management HCM model, any organization that intends to get the best results has to connect investments in workforce to bottom-line organization outcome. Some evidence has proved the link between employee development and strategic profits. For example, companies that devote proper HR strategies seem to attain enhanced profits compared to the ones that use other ancient approaches. Although it still not clear whether a good HR management enhances better financial performance or whether better financial performance enables a more strategic tactic to HR management similar problem is there in the research for employee motivation. Thus, the ability of success in organizations that pays well and facilities than other organization can lead employees high turnover rate in the poor paying organizations (Fitz-Enz 2010). Secondly, from the investment point of view, it is also required that measures be useful. Managers would like to know where to invest for future -both in terms of the type of talents that the employees require in order to accomplish the companys long-term plan. In terms of the type of human resources potentiality the organization requires to achieve, nurture and maintain employees with such talents. For example, HR managers and their colleagues in accounts and marketing want to evaluate the risks related to people in relation to the latest technology, new markets and new requirements. The higher performance needs managing human capital currently and even for the future to be able to manage in a way that is in line with the companys strategic goals (Fitz-Enz 2010). Both the LAMP model and HCM model agree on the issue of measurement. The only difference is that the HCM model puts more weight on expansion against increase is a subject of both aggressive environment and planning, but following its ability to produce value is a limited set of abilities or implementation drivers, for example, its capability to come up with new ideas, to fulfill customers needs and to produce quality. The challenge of effectively linking human capital development to financial performance is three-phases: first of all measures must take into account direct and indirect consequence, secondly the procedure must be straightforward, repeatable and gives a possible result; and lastly outcome require to be put together so that strategies and prediction can depend on it. While LAMP model cconcentrates on more time and interest is given to improve the quality of HR measures, based on issues such as suitability, comprehensiveness, consistency and reliability. These are definit ely essential principles, but missing a framework, they can be performing far beyond their optimal standards or they can be applicable to areas where they have less effect. It continues to say that accuracy alone is not a solution. There are a number of ways that human resource can be able to measure more precisely and accurately. These measures involve finances, which should be focused on where it has the biggest profit, not just where progress is quite noticeable. Companies mostly give more interest to some fundamentals of their tangible stocks more than others. Sure enough, a famous theory is the 80-20 rule which implies that 80 percent of the crucial difference in stocks costs or quality is usually determined by 20 percent of the tangible stocks (Cascio Boudreau 2008). That is to say, whereas companies actually aim at 100 percent of their stocks, they end up with the significant 20 percent with more accurate, more reliable, and with bigger responsibility decision-making. The employee turnover is not equally significant all over. But becomes significant where turnover costs are extremely high, or it corresponds to a significant risk to profits or crucial companys possessions. For example when an employees leaves the organization and goes with a good number clients with them or when they have a wealth of knowledge that is not easy to replace, it is alright to trace turnover keenly and with greater accuracy. However, this is not to say that you keep on reporting on turnover. It simply implies that the turnover measurements in such conditions should look particularly on what more important. If turnover is a threat because to the loss of major capabilities, then the rate of turnover should be stratified to identify those with unique talent from others. If turnover is a threat because of losing clients when the employees leave, then the rate of turnover should not look on differences on talents, but rather should be stratified in accordance with the risks of losing clients. In the absence of a general logic on how turnover affects organization or its growth, managers may have assumption which may be wrong or harmful (Cascio and Boudreau 2008). Conversely Education is also a very important aspect of change process. The return-on-investment (ROI) principal from finance is essentially a powerful instrument for enlightening leaders on the major equipment of financial assessment. Similarly, it is considered that HR measurements will be used more and more to inform components and will become surrounded within the organizations training and awareness frameworks. In human resources career, there are many logical structures, which include remuneration framework, employees motivation models, and also job contracts. All these are very handy, but they are not adequate enough to link decisions about investments in human resource agendas to the set results. On the other hand, some have opted for a service-value-profit structure in regards to customer care. This framework requires a closer look to the relationship between HR and management customs, which affects the employee motivation and in the long affect the customer relation. In the case of affected customer relation the sales turnover is also affected and the general strategic goals. In my view, measuring is very important, but what should be measured is the major question. Most managers lack the knowledge of what is to be measured and how it should be measured. With proper training in place, all managers should be able to know how to handle these issues, be able to motivate and nurture employees to reduce the rate of turnover in order for the organization to realize maximum profits. With good incentives, employees can be retained and thus the organization will benefit from the wealth of knowledge and experience that these employees possess. It is better to have employees with good experience background in that field than to keep on training them of the job requirements and they are not retained, the organization ends up being a training ground and the turnover rate is still on the increase. Therefore I would prefer the LAMP model to HCM.

Friday, September 20, 2019

The American Education System Essay -- Education Reform

To understand how to solve a problem, we must first understand what we are trying to fix. For example, can a carpenter without any medical experience repair a heart valve? Of course not, he or she must first obtain the proper education necessary to perform such a complex operation. The same can be said about the American education system. Throughout America’s history parents, educators, and government officials have been debating what changes must be implemented for American children to receive every opportunity possible to gain an education that will prepare them for the future. However, these cries for reform are so demanding that many times the reforms created to please the people are pushed through so fast that consequences are never completely considered. These latest cries for reform came after the annual report by Program for International Student Assessment (PISA) was released in December 2010 stating that 15-year-old American students ranked average in mathematics, reading, writing, and science (Duncan, 2010). â€Å"Average† might not be much of an alarm to many; however, when companies, such as Microsoft, have to hire software engineers from other countries to fill positions because American’s are unqualified, it brings everything to another level (Guggenheim & Chilcott, 2010). The use of standardized, multi-choice, fill in the bubble tests to hold schools accountable for what is taught within their walls has become detrimental to the education system. Standardized testing is designed for a system of equality for which the school system is not. Teachers and schools cannot be held to the same accountability as other schools when there exists no equality in them in regards to budgets, resources, qualifications of teachers, ... ...earning, to be educated by those of a greater understanding. If children are to have the ability to contribute to society, and be able to succeed in life, a proper education must be made available to them. Not an education of learning how to take tests, but one of knowledge - an education given to them that teaches them how to apply mathematics in their lives, to use the sciences to understand the world around them, and to be able to read and be enlightened by its message. The public school is a place that students should want to go, hunger to go. It should not be a place of stress or fear due to an upcoming test. It needs to be a place where all have the freedom and opportunity to learn. Standardized tests had their moment in time; now the focus needs to be turned to a more in-depth education of understanding how to apply their knowledge to their everyday lives.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Cyperus papyrus: From the Nile to Modern Times :: Botany

Cyperus papyrus: From the Nile to Modern Times Cyperus papyrus, commonly called papyrus or paper plant, is a member of the sedge family (Cyperaceae). It is a monocot that is native to riverbanks and other wet soil areas in Egypt, Ethiopia, the Jordan River Valley, and other parts of the Mediterranean basin (1). Few members of the sedge family hold economic importance as crop plants, but throughout the world these plants hold great regional importance in weaving mats, baskets, screens, and even sandals (3). Though not normally grown for crops sedges do hold economic importance to agriculture. A substantial amount of sedges are noxious weeds, invading crop fields in all climates of the world. These include species that invade rice paddies, grazing pastures, as well as others (3.) Sedges do however have a considerable amount of ecological importance. They are of extreme importance to primary production as well as an integral part of the hydrologic cycle (3.) C. papyrus is an aquatic plant that has woody, bluntly triangular stems and grows up to about 15 feet in quietly flowing water up to three feet deep and the stem can grow up to six centimeters in width near the top (4). While the bottom portion of the stem can be up to six inches in width (7). The stem has scattered vascular bundles and no inner pith, like other typical monocots. The stem is composed of cellulose (54-68%) and lignin (24-32%), this helps to provide support for the stem and subsequently helps maintain the plant structure. There are also air ducts in the stem to help the plant stay buoyant; this is an important adaptation since C. papyrus grows in wet conditions (1). The roots, which are rhizomes, spread over the water, forming floating mat. These mats can sometimes break apart allowing the plant to colonize new areas in rivers and lakes. This can sometimes cause problems for shipping vessel (1). The leaves of the paper plant are long and sharp-keeled and have parallel veination (7). The leaves also have an epidermis with no 'long' and 'short' cell differentiation. The leaves usually have silica bodies and stomata are present (6.) The leaves are arranged in umbels, or tufts, on the end of tall, leafless stems (1). The economic contributions of C. papyrus may not be evident to moderns, but its importance to some ancient civilizations is tremendous. The ancient Egyptians were using papyrus to make paper more than five thousand years ago to make the first paper (1.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

Essay --

Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent, known as Yves Saint Laurenta was born January 1, 1956 in Oran, French Algerian. His family consisted of his mom, Lucienne-Andree, dad, Charles & two younger sisters Michele & Brigitte. As Yves was growing up he was bullied constantly. When Yves went home he found refuge by looking throuh VOUGE Magazines & fell inlove with the descriptions & outfits. Yves started out making paper difficut cut out dolls and designing them. Time pass & he got into designing & making dresses for his mother and sister based of the ones on the VOUGE magazines that caught his eye. In one of the magazines that Yves read their was a contest for young fashion designers, organized by the International Wool Secretariat. Yves submitted 3 of his favorite sketches. He won first place and was invited to attend the awards ceremony in Paris, in December of that year (1953). While he and his mother were in paris, they met the editor & chief of the VOUGE magazine, Michel de Brunho ff. Michael-De-Brunnoff was impressed by the sketches Yves brought with him and suggested he become a fashion designer. Yves followed his advice. Leaving Oran for Paris after graduation, began his studies there and eventually graduated as a star pupil. The next year, (1954) Yves considered a course at Chambre Syndicale de la Haute Couture, the council which regulates the Haute Couture industry and provides training to its employees. Later that same year, he entered the International Wool Secretariat competition again and won, beating out his friend Fernando Sà ¡nchez and young German student Karl Lagerfeld. Later after his win, he brought a number of sketches to de Michael who recognized close similarities to sketches he had been shown that morning by Ch... ...he decade, with Saint Yvez slowing down his work pace, he and Berge had sold the company they'd started, netting the two men a fortune.In January 2002, Yvez participated in his final show and then retired for good in Marrakech. Five years later, Saint Laurent's imprint and importance on French culture was cemented when he was appointed Grand Officer of the Legion d'honnerur by French President, Nicolas Sarkozy. Yves Saint Laurent later passed away in Paris on June 1, 2008 after a brief illness. YSL Company Head-Quarters Located in New York City 10022 3 E 57th Street Corporate Phone Number: 1-212-832-7100. Yves Henri Donat Mathieu-Saint-Laurent a.k.a. Yves Saint Laurent is a famous French fashion designer credited with developing â€Å"Le Smoking,† a tuxedo made just for women. The tuxedo design earned the attention of other designers like CoCo Chanel, Pierre Cardin and K

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

History: american civilization essay

William McKinley was proposed as the presidential Republican with the support of Mark Hanna, who was very wealthy industrialist he favored tariffs so as to protect the nation’s prosperity and a limitation on silver and ended up defeating William Jennings Bryan, who was feared as a menace to the administration during 1892 election.  McKinley was adapted to the international bimetallism idea which was a contract of a number of countries in the usage of both silver and gold as the currency base.   He later opened the way to acceptance of the1900 Gold Standard Act.William McKinley was the president of diverse historical period. William McKinley lived during the Populist period and was the US president during the Progressive era.   In that period, as the president of the United States, traditional values such as the gambling and brothels were being eroded.   The ideology was changing of all the political parties.   Factionalism rose as a consequence.   The United States Peoples ways of life was shifting rapidly.   America moved to industrial economy from the agricultural economy and to urban environment from the rural environment and from the producer’s culture to the consumer’s culture.Small businesses and factories and increased in number.   Immigrants were moving to America very quickly as Workers demanded more rights and planned means to get them.   Aggressive labor movements pursued. There were radical changes in the government and the politics that were meant to make America further democratic.   William McKinley was against corruption and the vice in his government as People demanded businesses to be further be responsible too.   The city dwellers demanded better living conditionsNevertheless, Theodore Roosevelt became the president in these continuing circumstances when William McKinley was assassinated. Some historians believe Roosevelt became the president when the modern era had already been begun.  Roosevelt w as fond of writing about himself boastfully and excessively, besides that he was reckless.   His behavior towards the courts and the Congress displayed his highhandedness.   He never made long term plans but his life was illustrated by contradictions and inconsistencies.In the year 1900, Roosevelt had claimed that he could not be a vice president, but changed his mind later.   After leaving the office in 1904, he had said that he would never run for the US presidency again, but contradicted himself eight years afterward.   His understanding of the global affairs was deficient.   Roosevelt’s aspiration was also â€Å"adolescent† sine he had left the post of the New York police commissioner without a success.   Roosevelt was successful strenuous in improving the navy technologically.   He believed the Navy should be used for offense. The major function of the US Navy was to destroying the enemies and not defending its coastline. The navy had only seven main ships when Roosevelt became president, but were twenty two by the time he left was considered 5th best in the world.McKinley sponsored a protective tariff in 1890 that bore his name which was the highest tariff in the United States history.   While he was Ohio governor and later became he favored negotiation between labor and capital and frequently favored the poor.  After the Spanish American War and the1900 re-election, he revealed a fresh and a broader means for an internationally conscious America.   Ironically, this became his final speech as he was mortally wounded by an assassin’s the following day on 6th, September, 1901.McKinley competently manipulated both the politicians and the public.   His domestic achievements and programs were overpowered by the foreign policies that dominated his administration.   Ever an advocate for a healthy and a wealthy economy, McKinley supported creation of new overseas markets for products from United States.     These foreign markets put America at danger of being involved affairs of the other nations.Though the Spanish-American War that ended in August 1898 was short-lived, the US surfaced as a world super power.   He played a major role in organizing the US military effort where he was directly functioning as the Commander-in-Chief.   Peace negotiations with the Spanish government led to US occupation of Cuba until 1902 when it gained independence, besides the acquisition of Guam and Puerto Rico.Not willing to let the previous Spanish ownership, the Philippines islands fell into competing hands, he, McKinley directed his envoys to get the islands.   After getting the news of the conquest of Admiral George Dewey against the Spanish fleet on 1st may 1898 at Manila Bay, McKinley ran a campaign persuading the Americans that the islands had to become the ownership of the US.   Despite the opposition, he engineered ratification by the senate of the Treaty of Paris which was an achievement tha t expanded the influence and the powers of the president.The rest of McKinley’s life as president was shaped by the results of the Spanish-American War.   .The American Civil War of 1861 to1865 that outshined the Spanish American War and the U.S. participation in World War One of 1917 to 1918, united with the recent national sense of guilt concerning the Spanish-American War clouded McKinley’s reputation.   McKinley strengthened the presidency, toured widely, and offered the press greater accessibility to the White House.   He had a masterful management of the congress led to evolution of the modern presidency; in fact, he laid the base for further development of the presidential office under the presidents Theodore Roosevelt and Woodrow Wilson.REFERENCESGeorge William Norris (1992) Fighting Liberal, University of Nebraska Press, USKathleen H. Jamieson (1996) Packaging the Presidency, Oxford University Press, USON HISTORIANS’ CHANGING PERCEPTIONS OF THEODO RE ROOSEVELT PRE-1950s AND POST-1940s, retrieved on 3rd, October, 2007, available at

Monday, September 16, 2019

Differnce between IBO Religion and Christianity Essay

After reading, Things Fall Apart, we might ask what are the differences between the religions that the Ibo Clan practice, compared to a highly practiced religion, Christianity. Some of the differences are how the Ibo religion practice polytheism, belief in more then one God, and the Christians practice monotheism, belief in only one God, the creator of Heaven and Earth, his name is God. Others are, how they believe in animated Gods, which are alive and there Gods can be seen, and Christianity believes in inanimate gods, which their God is eternal. There is a huge difference between the Ibo Clan religion and Christianity, it will be shown. When Mr. Brown, the missionary, comes to the village of Umuofia to spread the word of God to the Ibo Clan, he met Akunna. Mr. Brown and Akunna has a conversation about their differences in religion, Akunna telling Mr. Brown that the Ibo Clan believes in one supreme God but had others that they worship, the name of their God is Chucku, because â€Å"he made all the world and not other Gods.† Akunna also mentions to Mr. Brown that they also worship carved wood, â€Å"they tree from which it came was made by Chukwu, as indeed other minor God were† Akunna tells Mr. Brown that the Ibo religion â€Å"make sacrifices to the little gods, but when all else fails there is no one to turn to they go to Chuckw.† (180) Another God, besides the carved wood, that the Ibo worship, is the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. The Ibo believe that they must do whatever the Oracle of the Hills says, if the don’t the people of the village will be punished. An example of this is when the Oracle of the Hills pronounces that Ikemefuma, the boy living with Okonkwo, need to be killed. Since the Oracle of the Hills and Caves says that it must be done, â€Å"the men of Umuofia took the boy outside the village and killed him† (57). The Ibo religion is very different from Christianity. Since Christianity only believes in one God, they don’t have all of these other Gods as the people of Umuofia believed in, such as the carved wood, and the Oracle of the Hills and Caves. Sometimes thinking that the Ibo religion would only have one or two gods, but they didn’t. Included with the other Gods that they worship, there was  another which was the snake known as the sacred python. When the Christian missionaries come to the village, the son of the snake priest says that he â€Å"ate and killed the sacred python† (185). The son of the snake priest was named Enoch, he did eat the sacred python, when he decided to convert to Christianity. This is one huge difference between the Ibo Clan and Christianity, of how and what they worship. However there are some differences between Ibo and Christianity is the belief in animate Gods, and inanimate Gods. Christians have an inanimate God, which means that He cannot be seen, and Christians also believe that God is eternal. Unlike Christianity, the Ibo believe in animated Gods, which are alive and their Gods can be seen, such as the spirits. When the Ibo Clan would talk to their spirits, as when the egwugwu had emerged once again from their underground home, they saluted on another and then reappeared on the ilo (92). The Ibo Clan Gods’ emerged from underground, and that they speak to them just as humans would. Comparing that to the Christians way, is different. Christians don’t believe of having spirits rise from the dead, or from the underground to come and solve problems. Christians just believe that God is number one, and that they pray to God for helping them solve problems, but not face to face as the Ibo Clan claims to do with their Gods. Another contrast between the two religions is the practice of polygamy compared to monogamy. Polygamy is what the Ibo Clan practice, which is having many wives at one time. In Umuofia, the more wives a man had, the better, just like Okonkwo, he had three wives, and â€Å"another man in the village was a wealthy man who had three barns and nine wives with thirty children† (18). But this is all common practice for the men in Umuofia to have more then one wife. Each wife and her children would live in different huts, and the man lives by himself in his obi. In contrast, Christians practice monogamy and that’s being married to one wife at a time, Christians believe that when a man and women become united in Christ, they become one. In conclusion, Things Fall Apart portrays, social, culture, and religious aspects of Africa. Christianity and Ibo are both types of religions, but they are practiced in very different ways. A difference was the practice of  polytheism, which would be the believe in more then one God and monotheism, belief in one God which is practiced by the Christians. The second difference was the Ibo worship animate Gods, unlike the Christians who worship inanimate God. In addition is that the Christians practice monogamy, being married to only one wife, and the Ibo practice polygamy, more then one wife. Here were two very different religions and practices but each had the choice of which one they wanted to follow, some stayed with the Ibo Clan religion, but others converted to Christianity, it’s their choice.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

A Brief History of Hci

A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology Brad A. Myers Carnegie Mellon University School of Computer Science Technical Report CMU-CS-96-163 and Human Computer Interaction Institute Technical Report CMU-HCII-96-103 December, 1996 Please cite this work as: Brad A. Myers. â€Å"A Brief History of Human Computer Interaction Technology. † ACM interactions. Vol. 5, no. 2, March, 1998. pp. 44-54. Human Computer Interaction Institute School of Computer Science Carnegie Mellon University Pittsburgh, PA 15213-3891 [email  protected] gp. s. cmu. edu Abstract This article summarizes the historical development of major advances in human-computer interaction technology, emphasizing the pivotal role of university research in the advancement of the field. Copyright (c) 1996 — Carnegie Mellon University A short excerpt from this article appeared as part of â€Å"Strategic Directions in Human Computer Interaction,† edited by Brad Myers, Jim Hollan, Isabel Cruz, A CM Computing Surveys, 28(4), December 1996 This research was partially sponsored by NCCOSC under Contract No. N66001-94-C-6037, Arpa Order No. B326 and partially by NSF under grant number IRI-9319969. The views and conclusions contained in this document are those of the authors and should not be interpreted as representing the official policies, either expressed or implied, of NCCOSC or the U. S. Government. Keywords: Human Computer Interaction, History, User Interfaces, Interaction Techniques. [pic] 1. Introduction Research in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) has been spectacularly uccessful, and has fundamentally changed computing. Just one example is the ubiquitous graphical interface used by Microsoft Windows 95, which is based on the Macintosh, which is based on work at Xerox PARC, which in turn is based on early research at the Stanford Research Laboratory (now SRI) and at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. Another example is that virtually all software written today employs user interface toolkits and interface builders, concepts which were developed first at universities. Even the spectacular growth of the World-Wide Web is a direct result of HCI research: applying hypertext technology to browsers allows one to traverse a link across the world with a click of the mouse. Interface improvements more than anything else has triggered this explosive growth. Furthermore, the research that will lead to the user interfaces for the computers of tomorrow is happening at universities and a few corporate research labs. This paper tries to briefly summarize many of the important research developments in Human-Computer Interaction (HCI) technology. By â€Å"research,† I mean exploratory work at universities and government and corporate research labs (such as Xerox PARC) that is not directly related to products. By â€Å"HCI technology,† I am referring to the computer side of HCI. A companion article on the history of the â€Å"human side,† discussing the contributions from psychology, design, human factors and ergonomics would also be appropriate. A motivation for this article is to overcome the mistaken impression that much of the important work in Human-Computer Interaction occurred in industry, and if university research in Human-Computer Interaction is not supported, then industry will just carry on anyway. This is simply not true. This paper tries to show that many of the most famous HCI successes developed by companies are deeply rooted in university research. In fact, virtually all of today's major interface styles and applications have had significant influence from research at universities and labs, often with government funding. To illustrate this, this paper lists the funding sources of some of the major advances. Without this research, many of the advances in the field of HCI would probably not have taken place, and as a consequence, the user interfaces of commercial products would be far more difficult to use and learn than they are today. As described by Stu Card: â€Å"Government funding of advanced human-computer interaction technologies built the intellectual capital and trained the research teams for pioneer systems that, over a period of 25 years, revolutionized how people interact with computers. Industrial research laboratories at the corporate level in Xerox, IBM, AT&T, and others played a strong role in developing this technology and bringing it into a form suitable for the commercial arena. † [6, p. 162]). Figure 1 shows time lines for some of the technologies discussed in this article. Of course, a deeper analysis would reveal much interaction between the university, corporate research and commercial activity streams. It is important to appreciate that years of research are involved in creating and making these technologies ready for widespread use. The same will be true for the HCI technologies that will provide the interfaces of tomorrow. It is clearly impossible to list every system and source in a paper of this scope, but I have tried to represent the earliest and most influential systems. Although there are a number of other surveys of HCI topics (see, for example [1] [10] [33] [38]), none cover as many aspects as this one, or try to be as comprehensive in finding the original influences. Another useful resource is the video â€Å"All The Widgets,† which shows the historical progression of a number of user interface ideas [25]. The technologies covered in this paper include fundamental interaction styles like direct manipulation, the mouse pointing device, and windows; several important kinds of application areas, such as drawing, text editing and spreadsheets; the technologies that will likely have the biggest impact on interfaces of the future, such as gesture recognition, multimedia, and 3D; and the technologies used to create interfaces using the other technologies, such as user interface management systems, toolkits, and interface builders. [pic] [pic] Figure 1: Approximate time lines showing where work was performed on some major technologies discussed in this article. [pic] 2. Basic Interactions †¢ Direct Manipulation of graphical objects: The now ubiquitous direct manipulation interface, where visible objects on the screen are directly manipulated with a pointing device, was first demonstrated by Ivan Sutherland in Sketchpad [44], which was his 1963 MIT PhD thesis. SketchPad supported the manipulation of objects using a light-pen, including grabbing objects, moving them, changing size, and using constraints. It contained the seeds of myriad important interface ideas. The system was built at Lincoln Labs with support from the Air Force and NSF. William Newman's Reaction Handler [30], created at Imperial College, London (1966-67) provided direct manipulation of graphics, and introduced â€Å"Light Handles,† a form of graphical potentiometer, that was probably the first â€Å"widget. † Another early system was AMBIT/G (implemented at MIT's Lincoln Labs, 1968, ARPA funded). It employed, among other interface techniques, iconic representations, gesture recognition, dynamic menus with items selected using a pointing device, selection of icons by pointing, and moded and mode-free styles of interaction. David Canfield Smith coined the term â€Å"icons† in his 1975 Stanford PhD thesis on Pygmalion [41] (funded by ARPA and NIMH) and Smith later popularized icons as one of the chief designers of the Xerox Star [42]. Many of the interaction techniques popular in direct manipulation interfaces, such as how objects and text are selected, opened, and manipulated, were researched at Xerox PARC in the 1970's. In particular, the idea of â€Å"WYSIWYG† (what you see is what you get) originated there with systems such as the Bravo text editor and the Draw drawing program [10] The concept of direct manipulation interfaces for everyone was envisioned by Alan Kay of Xerox PARC in a 1977 article about the â€Å"Dynabook† [16]. The first commercial systems to make extensive use of Direct Manipulation were the Xerox Star (1981) [42], the Apple Lisa (1982) [51] and Macintosh (1984) [52]. Ben Shneiderman at the University of Maryland coined the term â€Å"Direct Manipulation† in 1982 and identified the components and gave psychological foundations [40]. The Mouse: The mouse was developed at Stanford Research Laboratory (now SRI) in 1965 as part of the NLS project (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC) [9] to be a cheap replacement for light-pens, which had been used at least since 1954 [10, p. 68]. Many of the current uses of the mouse were demonstrated by Doug Engelbart as par t of NLS in a movie created in 1968 [8]. The mouse was then made famous as a practical input device by Xerox PARC in the 1970's. It first appeared commercially as part of the Xerox Star (1981), the Three Rivers Computer Company's PERQ (1981) [23], the Apple Lisa (1982), and Apple Macintosh (1984). Windows: Multiple tiled windows were demonstrated in Engelbart's NLS in 1968 [8]. Early research at Stanford on systems like COPILOT (1974) [46] and at MIT with the EMACS text editor (1974) [43] also demonstrated tiled windows. Alan Kay proposed the idea of overlapping windows in his 1969 University of Utah PhD thesis [15] and they first appeared in 1974 in his Smalltalk system [11] at Xerox PARC, and soon after in the InterLisp system [47]. Some of the first commercial uses of windows were on Lisp Machines Inc. (LMI) and Symbolics Lisp Machines (1979), which grew out of MIT AI Lab projects. The Cedar Window Manager from Xerox PARC was the first major tiled window manager (1981) [45], followed soon by the Andrew window manager [32] by Carnegie Mellon University's Information Technology Center (1983, funded by IBM). The main commercial systems popularizing windows were the Xerox Star (1981), the Apple Lisa (1982), and most importantly the Apple Macintosh (1984). The early versions of the Star and Microsoft Windows were tiled, but eventually they supported overlapping windows like the Lisa and Macintosh. The X Window System, a current international standard, was developed at MIT in 1984 [39]. For a survey of window managers, see [24]. 3. Application Types †¢ Drawing programs: Much of the current technology was demonstrated in Sutherland's 1963 Sketchpad system. The use of a mouse for graphics was demonstrated in NLS (1965). In 1968 Ken Pulfer and Grant Bechthold at the National Research Council of Canada built a mouse out of wood patterned after Engelbart's and used it with a key-frame animation system to draw all the frames of a movie. A subsequent movie, â€Å"Hunger† in 1971 won a number of awards, and was drawn using a tablet instead of the mouse (funding by the National Film Board of Canada) [3]. William Newman's Markup (1975) was the first drawing program for Xerox PARC's Alto, followed shortly by Patrick Baudelaire's Draw which added handling of lines and curves [10, p. 326]. The first computer painting program was probably Dick Shoup's â€Å"Superpaint† at PARC (1974-75). †¢ Text Editing: In 1962 at the Stanford Research Lab, Engelbart proposed, and later implemented, a word processor with automatic word wrap, search and replace, user-definable macros, scrolling text, and commands to move, copy, and delete characters, words, or blocks of text. Stanford's TVEdit (1965) was one of the first CRT-based display editors that was widely used [48]. The Hypertext Editing System [50, p. 108] from Brown University had screen editing and formatting of arbitrary-sized strings with a lightpen in 1967 (funding from IBM). NLS demonstrated mouse-based editing in 1968. TECO from MIT was an early screen-editor (1967) and EMACS [43] developed from it in 1974. Xerox PARC's Bravo [10, p. 284] was the first WYSIWYG editor-formatter (1974). It was designed by Butler Lampson and Charles Simonyi who had started working on these concepts around 1970 while at Berkeley. The first commercial WYSIWYG editors were the Star, LisaWrite and then MacWrite. For a survey of text editors, see [22] [50, p. 108]. †¢ Spreadsheets: The initial spreadsheet was VisiCalc which was developed by Frankston and Bricklin (1977-8) for the Apple II while they were students at MIT and the Harvard Business School. The solver was based on a dependency-directed backtracking algorithm by Sussman and Stallman at the MIT AI Lab. †¢ HyperText: The idea for hypertext (where documents are linked to related documents) is credited to Vannevar Bush's famous MEMEX idea from 1945 [4]. Ted Nelson coined the term â€Å"hypertext† in 1965 [29]. Engelbart's NLS system [8] at the Stanford Research Laboratories in 1965 made extensive use of linking (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). The â€Å"NLS Journal† [10, p. 212] was one of the first on-line journals, and it included full linking of articles (1970). The Hypertext Editing System, jointly designed by Andy van Dam, Ted Nelson, and two students at Brown University (funding from IBM) was distributed extensively [49]. The University of Vermont's PROMIS (1976) was the first Hypertext system released to the user community. It was used to link patient and patient care information at the University of Vermont's medical center. The ZOG project (1977) from CMU was another early hypertext system, and was funded by ONR and DARPA [36]. Ben Shneiderman's Hyperties was the first system where highlighted items in the text could be clicked on to go to other pages (1983, Univ. of Maryland) [17]. HyperCard from Apple (1988) significantly helped to bring the idea to a wide audience. There have been many other hypertext systems through the years. Tim Berners-Lee used the hypertext idea to create the World Wide Web in 1990 at the government-funded European Particle Physics Laboratory (CERN). Mosaic, the irst popular hypertext browser for the World-Wide Web was developed at the Univ. of Illinois' National Center for Supercomputer Applications (NCSA). For a more complete history of HyperText, see [31]. †¢ Computer Aided Design (CAD): The same 1963 IFIPS conference at which Sketchpad was presented also contained a number of CAD systems, including Doug Ross's Computer-Aided Design Project at MIT in the Electronic Syste ms Lab [37] and Coons' work at MIT with SketchPad [7]. Timothy Johnson's pioneering work on the interactive 3D CAD system Sketchpad 3 [13] was his 1963 MIT MS thesis (funded by the Air Force). The first CAD/CAM system in industry was probably General Motor's DAC-1 (about 1963). †¢ Video Games: The first graphical video game was probably SpaceWar by Slug Russel of MIT in 1962 for the PDP-1 [19, p. 49] including the first computer joysticks. The early computer Adventure game was created by Will Crowther at BBN, and Don Woods developed this into a more sophisticated Adventure game at Stanford in 1966 [19, p. 132]. Conway's game of LIFE was implemented on computers at MIT and Stanford in 1970. The first popular commercial game was Pong (about 1976). 4. Up-and-Coming Areas Gesture Recognition: The first pen-based input device, the RAND tablet, was funded by ARPA. Sketchpad used light-pen gestures (1963). Teitelman in 1964 developed the first trainable gesture recognizer. A very early demonstration of gesture recognition was Tom Ellis' GRAIL system on the RAND tablet (1964, ARPA funded). It was quite common in light-pen-based systems to include some gesture recognition, for example in the AMBIT/G system (1968 — ARPA funded). A gesture-based text editor using proof-reading symbols was developed at CMU by Michael Coleman in 1969. Bill Buxton at the University of Toronto has been studying gesture-based interactions since 1980. Gesture recognition has been used in commercial CAD systems since the 1970s, and came to universal notice with the Apple Newton in 1992. †¢ Multi-Media: The FRESS project at Brown used multiple windows and integrated text and graphics (1968, funding from industry). The Interactive Graphical Documents project at Brown was the first hypermedia (as opposed to hypertext) system, and used raster graphics and text, but not video (1979-1983, funded by ONR and NSF). The Diamond project at BBN (starting in 1982, DARPA funded) explored combining multimedia information (text, spreadsheets, graphics, speech). The Movie Manual at the Architecture Machine Group (MIT) was one of the first to demonstrate mixed video and computer graphics in 1983 (DARPA funded). †¢ 3-D: The first 3-D system was probably Timothy Johnson's 3-D CAD system mentioned above (1963, funded by the Air Force). The â€Å"Lincoln Wand† by Larry Roberts was an ultrasonic 3D location sensing system, developed at Lincoln Labs (1966, ARPA funded). That system also had the first interactive 3-D hidden line elimination. An early use was for molecular modelling [18]. The late 60's and early 70's saw the flowering of 3D raster graphics research at the University of Utah with Dave Evans, Ivan Sutherland, Romney, Gouraud, Phong, and Watkins, much of it government funded. Also, the military-industrial flight simulation work of the 60's – 70's led the way to making 3-D real-time with commercial systems from GE, Evans, Singer/Link (funded by NASA, Navy, etc. ). Another important center of current research in 3-D is Fred Brooks' lab at UNC (e. g. [2]). Virtual Reality and â€Å"Augmented Reality†: The original work on VR was performed by Ivan Sutherland when he was at Harvard (1965-1968, funding by Air Force, CIA, and Bell Labs). Very important early work was by Tom Furness when he was at Wright-Patterson AFB. Myron Krueger's early work at the University of Connecticut was influential. Fred Brooks' and Henry Fuch's groups at UNC did a lot of early research, including the study of force feedbac k (1971, funding from US Atomic Energy Commission and NSF). Much of the early research on head-mounted displays and on the DataGlove was supported by NASA. Computer Supported Cooperative Work. Doug Engelbart's 1968 demonstration of NLS [8] included the remote participation of multiple people at various sites (funding from ARPA, NASA, and Rome ADC). Licklider and Taylor predicted on-line interactive communities in an 1968 article [20] and speculated about the problem of access being limited to the privileged. Electronic mail, still the most widespread multi-user software, was enabled by the ARPAnet, which became operational in 1969, and by the Ethernet from Xerox PARC in 1973. An early computer conferencing system was Turoff's EIES system at the New Jersey Institute of Technology (1975). †¢ Natural language and speech: The fundamental research for speech and natural language understanding and generation has been performed at CMU, MIT, SRI, BBN, IBM, AT Bell Labs and BellCore, much of it government funded. See, for example, [34] for a survey of the early work. 5. Software Tools and Architectures The area of user interface software tools is quite active now, and many companies are selling tools. Most of today's applications are implemented using various forms of software tools. For a more complete survey and discussion of UI tools, see [26]. †¢ UIMSs and Toolkits: (There are software libraries and tools that support creating interfaces by writing code. ) The first User Interface Management System (UIMS) was William Newman's Reaction Handler [30] created at Imperial College, London (1966-67 with SRC funding). Most of the early work was done at universities (Univ. of Toronto with Canadian government funding, George Washington Univ. with NASA, NSF, DOE, and NBS funding, Brigham Young University with industrial funding, etc. . The term â€Å"UIMS† was coined by David Kasik at Boeing (1982) [14]. Early window managers such as Smalltalk (1974) and InterLisp, both from Xerox PARC, came with a few widgets, such as popup menus and scrollbars. The Xerox Star (1981) was the first commercial system to have a large collection of widgets. The Apple Macintosh (1984) was the first to actively promote its toolkit for use by other developers to enforce a consiste nt interface. An early C++ toolkit was InterViews [21], developed at Stanford (1988, industrial funding). Much of the modern research is being performed at universities, for example the Garnet (1988) [28] and Amulet (1994) [27] projects at CMU (ARPA funded), and subArctic at Georgia Tech (1996, funding by Intel and NSF). †¢ Interface Builders: (These are interactive tools that allow interfaces composed of widgets such as buttons, menus and scrollbars to be placed using a mouse. ) The Steamer project at BBN (1979-85; ONR funding) demonstrated many of the ideas later incorporated into interface builders and was probably the first object-oriented graphics system. Trillium [12] was developed at Xerox PARC in 1981. Another early interface builder was the MenuLay system [5] developed by Bill Buxton at the University of Toronto (1983, funded by the Canadian Government). The Macintosh (1984) included a â€Å"Resource Editor† which allowed widgets to be placed and edited. Jean-Marie Hullot created â€Å"SOS Interface† in Lisp for the Macintosh while working at INRIA (1984, funded by the French government) which was the first modern â€Å"interface builder. † Hullot built this into a commercial product in 1986 and then went to work for NeXT and created the NeXT Interface Builder (1988), which popularized this type of tool. Now there are literally hundreds of commercial interface builders. †¢ Component Architectures: The idea of creating interfaces by connecting separately written components was first demonstrated in the Andrew project [32] by Carnegie Mellon University's Information Technology Center (1983, funded by IBM). It is now being widely popularized by Microsoft's OLE and Apple's OpenDoc architectures. 6. Discussion It is clear that all of the most important innovations in Human-Computer Interaction have benefited from research at both corporate research labs and universities, much of it funded by the government. The conventional style of graphical user interfaces that use windows, icons, menus and a mouse and are in a phase of standardization, where almost everyone is using the same, standard technology and just making minute, incremental changes. Therefore, it is important that university, corporate, and government-supported research continue, so that we can develop the science and technology needed for the user interfaces of the future. Another important argument in favor of HCI research in universities is that computer science students need to know about user interface issues. User interfaces are likely to be one of the main value-added competitive advantages of the future, as both hardware and basic software become commodities. If students do not know about user interfaces, they will not serve industry needs. It seems that only through computer science does HCI research disseminate out into products. Furthermore, without appropriate levels of funding of academic HCI research, there will be fewer PhD graduates in HCI to perform research in corporate labs, and fewer top-notch graduates in this area will be interested in being professors, so the needed user interface courses will not be offered. As computers get faster, more of the processing power is being devoted to the user interface. The interfaces of the future will use gesture recognition, speech recognition and generation, â€Å"intelligent agents,† adaptive interfaces, video, and many other technologies now being investigated by research groups at universities and corporate labs [35]. It is imperative that this research continue and be well-supported. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I must thank a large number of people who responded to posts of earlier versions of this article on the announcements. hi mailing list for their very generous help, and to Jim Hollan who helped edit the short excerpt of this article. Much of the information in this article was supplied by (in alphabetical order): Stacey Ashlund, Meera M. Blattner, Keith Butler, Stuart K. Card, Bill Curtis, David E. Damouth, Dan Diaper, Dick Duda, Tim T. K. Dudley, Steven Feiner, Harry Forsdick, Bjorn Freeman-Benson, John Gould, Wayne Gray, Mark Green, Fred Hansen, Bill Hefley, D. Austin Henderson, Jim Hollan, Jean-Marie Hullot, Rob Jacob, Bonnie John, Sandy Kobayashi, T. K. Landauer, John Leggett, Roger Lighty, Marilyn Mantei, Jim Miller, William Newman, Jakob Nielsen, Don Norman, Dan Olsen, Ramesh Patil, Gary Perlman, Dick Pew, Ken Pier, Jim Rhyne, Ben Shneiderman, John Sibert, David C. Smith, Elliot Soloway, Richard Stallman, Ivan Sutherland, Dan Swinehart, John Thomas, Alex Waibel, Marceli Wein, Mark Weiser, Alan Wexelblat, and Terry Winograd. Editorial comments were also provided by the above as well as Ellen Borison, Rich McDaniel, Rob Miller, Bernita Myers, Yoshihiro Tsujino, and the reviewers. References 1. 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